- 会社名 Company Name
- 代表 Representative
- 中田久明夫 Kumio Nakada
- 所在地 Location
- 〒141-0031 東京都品川区西五反田7-13-6 3F
7-13-6 3F, NISHI-GOTANDA, SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO 141-0031, JAPAN - 連絡先 Contact Information
- TEL: +81-3-34903421, FAX: +81-3490-0611
e-mail. export@cpijpn.com - 販売価格 Selling Price
- 商品毎に表示しています Shown on Product
- 送料 Postage
- 表示の通り Nationwide Flat Rate (Tax Included)
- 注文方法 Order Method
- 電話、FAX, e-mail by Telephone or by Fax or by e-mail
- 支払方法 Method of Payment
- 銀行振込 Payment in advance, Bank Charge paid by Customers
- 商品配送 Shipment of Goods
- 取り決め通り Limited to Japanese Domestic Shipping. In case of Remote Island and Some Area, Goods May Not Be Delivered.