12月の勤務体系 December's working form

最近の感染者数の増加に対応し、12月の勤務スケジュールは週5日フレックスタイム制を継続、希望者は在宅勤務も最大3日までとします、毎週水曜日は原則全社員が出社、原則として国内出張は承認後可能としております。 海外出張は引き続き禁止します。

December's Work Schedule
In response to recent increase in the number of the infected people again, we continue to have flexible working hours for 5-days a week, but those who wish to work from home will be allowed to do so upto maximum 3-days a week. However, all employees come to work at the office every Wednesday.
In principle, domestic business travel is permitted with manager's approval. Overseas business trip will continue to be disallowed still under fear of coronavirus pandemic.
