コロナウイルス対策の下の11月の勤務体系 November's working form
ただし希望者はフレックスタイムを継続します。 在宅勤務は週に最大3日となります、内水曜日は全員出社を継続いたします。。
「Go to Travel」に続いて、「Go to Eat」キャンペーンが政府によって開始されました。国内出張は許可制、海外出張は引き続き原則禁止となります。
We come back to regular working schedule with 5-days a week and with flex
time. But, at own discretion, working from home is allowed with maximum
3-days a week.
Following "Go to Travel", "Got to Eat" campaign has
started by government, Domestic business trip will be eased but must be
approved by management. The ban on overseas business trip will not be lifted.